Capital Solutions
Debt Financing
Interested in financing for manufacturing facilities? Direct loans available up to $150 million to finance projects in the United States.
Investment Fund Financing
Interested in learning more about the SBCCT Initiative? Fund-level leverage up to $175 million per fund.
Covered Technology Categories
When Congress authorized OSC in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2024, it specified 31 covered technology categories that may receive OSC capital assistance. These 31 technology categories are complementary to the 14 critical technology areas identified by DoD leadership. OSC has broad authority to invest in supply chain and component-level technologies and processes that enable DoD capabilities but are not always supported through direct procurement.
“We must complement the innovative power of the private sector with a modern industrial strategy that makes strategic public investments in America’s workforce, and in strategic sectors and supply chains, especially critical and emerging technologies, such as microelectronics, advanced computing, biotechnologies, clean energy technologies, and advanced telecommunications.”

“We must complement the innovative power of the private sector with a modern industrial strategy that makes strategic public investments in America’s workforce, and in strategic sectors and supply chains, especially critical and emerging technologies, such as microelectronics, advanced computing, biotechnologies, clean energy technologies, and advanced telecommunications.”
News & Insights

NEWS RELEASE Jan 17, 2025
The DoD is publishing the names of the entire first cohort of Licensed and Green Light Approved funds under the Small Business Investment Company Critical Technologies Initiative (SBICCT Initiative).

NEWS RELEASE Jan 2, 2025
OSC announced the release of its Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Investment Strategy, which details how OSC will prioritize investments through credit-based financial products for critical technologies, assets, and their supply chains.

NEWS RELEASE Oct. 22, 2024
The DoD and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced the first group of Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Licensees and Green Light Approved investment funds approved under the Small Business Investment Company Critical Technology Initiative (SBICCT Initiative).

NEWS RELEASE Sept. 30, 2024
OSC announced the release of its first Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), which lays out eligibility criteria and initiates the application process for OSC loans. This will be the first OSC application call to accelerate commercialization and scale production for critical technologies.

NEWS RELEASE Jul. 24, 2024
Office of Strategic Capital Seeks Public Input on New Loan Program to Support Critical Technologies and Supply Chain.
The Office of Strategic Capital (OSC) today announced the release of a Federal Register Notice and accompanying Request for Information (RFI) open for public comment. OSC seeks public input as it prepares to issue loans and loan guarantees for critical technology and supply chain components in support of the office's mission to attract and scale private capital for national security.

NEWS RELEASE Mar. 8, 2024
OSC Releases Inaugural FY24 Investment Strategy
The Office of Strategic Capital released its inaugural Investment Strategy, which lays out how it will approach its funding and investment decisions going forward.

NEWS RELEASE Sept. 2, 2023
Department of Defense and Small Business Administration Roll Out the Small Business Investment Company Critical Technologies (SBICCT) Initiative
The Small Business Investment Company Critical Technology (SBICCT) Initiative is a joint effort between the DoD and SBA to increase private capital investment in critical technologies that strengthen U.S. economic and national security.

NEWS RELEASE Aug. 2, 2023
Readout of Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks' and SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman's Meeting With AM Forward Partners
Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks and U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman met yesterday at the Pentagon with executives from Lockheed Martin, General Electric, Stifel Financial, and Applied Science & Technology Research Organization (ASTRO) America to discuss President Biden’s AM Forward initiative, share perspectives on collectively advancing critical technology and manufacturing priorities vital to U.S. national security and the potential of SBA’s Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program to help overcome those barriers.

TRANSCRIPT Dec. 8, 2022
Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks Participates in a Fireside Chat at the 2022 Aspen Security Forum D.C. Edition

DOD NEWS Dec. 4, 2022
DOD Scouts Innovative Ideas from Industry, Allies, Partners
The Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve, which was stood up last year, is a collaboration between the military services, combatant commands, industry, and coalition partners with the aim of discovering new and innovative warfighting capabilities. The Office of Strategic Capital will assist in funding companies developing technologies deemed critical to national security.

NEWS RELEASE Dec. 1, 2022
Secretary of Defense Establishes Office of Strategic Capital
SECDEF establishes the Office of Strategic Capital (OSC) as a finance organization within the Department of Defense to help the United States build an enduring technological advantage by partnering with private capital providers to accelerate and scale investment in companies developing technologies critical to national security.

DOD NEWS Dec. 1, 2022
New Defense Office Connects Next-Gen Tech Developers with Much-Needed Capital
The Defense Department announced today the creation of the Office of Strategic Capital, or OSC. The new office is meant to ensure that technologies under development right now or in the future, which may be critical to U.S. military requirements, are able to get the funding they need to make it to market.
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030
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