About the Office of DTE&A

A high performing organization that provides preeminent systems engineering (SE) and test & evaluation (T&E) support enabling rapid development from concept to delivery of relevant capability for the DoD Joint force.
- Provide systems engineering and test & evaluation rigor to DoD Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF) program development pathways, Research and Engineering modernization priorities, and strategic defense investment decisions to ensure delivery of relevant and timely warfighting capabilities:
- Engage AAF and early prototyping programs in developing innovative and efficient developmental test & evaluation (DT&E) and SE strategies supporting acquisition life-cycle decisions that deliver capability advantages our Warfighters need;
- Provide independent DT&E, Engineering, and Technical Risk Assessments to accurately evaluate technical performance and technology, engineering, and integration maturity in support of critical decisions;
- Support development and implementation of T&E, SE, and Cyber T&E policy and guidance for the acquisition life-cycle continuum; and
- Support improvement of the T&E and SE Defense Acquisition Workforce "practice of the profession
Lines of Effort
DTE&A Lines of Effort link multiple key tasks within each effort using the logic of purpose - cause and effect - to help organize and focus our work toward achieving the DTE&A mission. DTE&A Lines of Effort align with USD(R&E) modernization priorities and strategic needs.
- Enhance Program Planning and Execution
- Position programs for successful capability delivery through consistent program collaboration across the system acquisition life-cycle.
- Inform Critical Acquisition, Technology Transition, Warfighting Capability, and Strategic Defense Investment Decisions
- Provide quality assessments that accurately evaluate system performance and technical & engineering integration risks
- Champion Adaptive DT&E, SE, and Cyber Resilience Approaches
- Champion responsive DT&E, SE, and Cyber execution approaches that complement AAF program development pathways
Executive Director for Developmental Test, Evaluation, and Assessments
Mr. Christopher C. Collins is the Director, Developmental Test, Evaluation, and Assessments (D, DTE&A) within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030
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