The Official Logo for USD(R&E)

Developmental Test, Evaluation and Assessment

About the Office of Developmental Test, Evaluation and Assessment


background, world, earth, space, grid

MITRE's vision, pioneering for a better future, captures our aspiration to emerge as the source of solutions to these shared challenges. It codifies our intent to leverage our unique vantage point, objective insights, and deep technical capabilities to seize the opportunities and generate the impact that creates "a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow." It reflects our public interest obligation to have a higher purpose, one that compels us beyond any one sponsor or FFRDC to address the more ubiquitous challenges that our sponsors face as well as the needs of the people they represent. And it demands that we stretch, take risk, and act with a sense of urgency to empower MITRE to seize the opportunities, defeat the threats, and achieve our mission of solving problems for a safer world.

MITRE's mission-driven teams are dedicated to solving problems for a safer world. Through our public-private partnerships and federally funded R&D centers, we work across government and in partnership with industry to tackle challenges to the safety, stability, and well-being of our nation.


MITRE investigates modern T&E approaches, tools, and technologies to bridge mission engineering, programs of record, and theater-wide operations.  These initiatives foster science and technology-based growth, incorporate T&E best practices and risk management, and improve operational resilience of weapon systems in contested cyber environments.

  • Decision Support Evaluation Framework (DSEF)

    Linking decisions, technical capability evaluation, and data collection across the capability lifecycle, from mission engineering to programs of record to the operational enterprise and capability portfolio.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Developing a unique approach to inform and enable T&E, thereby increasing the likelihood that AI-enabled systems are more likely to be delivered on time, to meet budgetary goals, and to perform effectively for mission expectations.

  • Digital Engineering

    Connecting and integrating the T&E, systems engineering, and mission engineering communities to increase testing efficiency, reduce costs and risks, and accelerate capability delivery to the warfighter.

  • Cyber Test and Evaluation

    Engaging stakeholders across the DoD Services and T&E community, identifying tools, techniques, and methodologies for cyber T&E future needs.

  • Joint All Domain

    Ensuring early engineering and testing supports performance and risk assessment in a mission context while streamlining test processes, data collection, and metric evaluation for system-of-systems testing.

  • T&E Policy

    Providing updated T&E policy and guidance by utilizing best practices and lessons learned from the community to improve T&E community adoption and practice.

  • Independent Assessments

    Performing independent assessments which characterize engineering, test planning, and operational resilience and inform engineering and acquisition decisions to support modernization of key National Defense Strategy capabilities.

  • Connect The Dots Workshops

    Providing contributors the opportunity to exchange valuable information about their processes and practices, close knowledge gaps, and discover how to improve the state of their digital engineering practice.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030

The Official Logo for USD(R&E)

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301