About OSC
Attracting Private Capital to Critical Technologies and Supply Chains

The United States is in a global competition for technological advantage. In that competition, private capital is the dominant source of funding and a key source of U.S. comparative advantage. Yet, some critical technologies and their components attract relatively little private investment and are not always supported by traditional procurement methods for national security needs.
In response, the Secretary of Defense established the Office of Strategic Capital (OSC) in December 2022 to attract and scale investment to national security priorities. OSC aims to use the United States’ comparative advantages in capital markets and economic competition to crowd in capital for the critical technology supply chains needed by the Department of Defense.
DoD’s National Defense Science and Technology Strategy specifies 14 Critical Technology Areas vital to national security. By attracting private capital investments into these Critical Technology Areas, OSC seeks to accelerate the development and deployment of technology critical to current and future warfighting capabilities.
While those Critical Technology Areas are the starting point for OSC, investment may occur outside of those Critical Technology Areas so long as it involves supply chain and component-level technologies and processes that enable DoD capabilities but are not always supported through direct procurement.
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030
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