The Official Logo for USD(R&E)

Systems Engineering and Architecture

Systems Engineering and Architecture

Policy and Workforce

OUSD(R&E) Systems Engineering and Architecture (SE&A) leads policy, guidance, and workforce development initiatives for the DoD engineering and technical workforce.

Communities of Practice (CoP) allow practitioners in specialty areas to meet and communicate to share best practices, lessons learned, and innovations in a focus area relevant to DoD engineering. For more information on related projects and working groups, see the focus area pages of the SE&A website. 

Communities of Practice

Bodies of Knowledge

The Bodies of Knowledge (BoKs) provide reference information from a broad range of sources with expertise in that area of engineering. 

Digital Hand Accessing Online Training e-learning Hand Circle Grid, Blue
Blue Digital Hands Typing on a Computer Keyboard-Vector

Contact Us

For more information, contact using the following subject line: Attn SE&A

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030