CRWS-BoK Portal

CRWS-BoK Portal

DoD Releases Online Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge Version 4.1 for Engineering Workforce

NEWS RELEASE: May 29, 2024

The Department of Defense released Version 4.1 of the Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems (CRWS) Body of Knowledge (BoK) on May 29. This free online resource assists public- and private-sector workforces in designing, engineering, and safeguarding CRWS.

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense’s System Security (SysSec) Office launched this resource for the system security engineering and science and technology communities in May 2021 and continues to improve CRWS-BoK functionality through ongoing version update releases.

In response to feedback from recent usability tests, Version 4.1 provides performance upgrades and resource improvements to enhance user engagement and encourage collaboration. Highlights include:

  • An improved relationship graph with faster rendering and clearer, making it easier for users to quickly see relationships and trends among resources that previously may not have been apparent.
  • Newly designed resource cards and details view provide a more efficient and pleasing summary display of resources and key information.
  • A refined landing page makes it easier for users to quickly locate desired information and conduct searches more efficiently.
  • User rating prompts allow users to rate resources, subsequently providing feedback to other community members.
  • Keyboard shortcuts, the ability to see password requirements prior to typing, and other upgrades improve usability.
  • A review board-comment viewing feature allows increased collaboration among the review board members.

These updates allow users to discover and learn more about cyber. SysSec will continue to refine the user experience so that the CRWS-BoK remains an essential resource for systems security engineering (SSE) and science and technology (S&T) workforces.

R&E partners with SSE and S&T professionals to foster assured resilient missions, systems, and components. It leverages best practices and promotes innovation, enabling the nation’s SSE and S&T workforces to perform CRWS missions that can successfully deter cyber threats.

For additional information and to register for a free account, visit the CRWS-BoK at

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The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E) is the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Defense. The USD(R&E) champions research, science, technology, engineering, and innovation to maintain the United States military's technological advantage. Learn more at, follow us on Twitter @DoDCTO, or visit us on LinkedIn.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030