National Defense Science & Technology Strategy 2023

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National Defense Science & Technology Strategy 2023

Sharpening Our Competitive Edge

The DoD today released the unclassified version of the National Defense Science and Technology Strategy, or NDSTS. Guided by the National Defense Strategy, the NDSTS articulates the science and technology priorities, goals, and investments of the Department and makes recommendations on the future of the defense research and engineering enterprise.

"To achieve the objectives of the NDS we must leverage critical emerging technologies," said Heidi Shyu, DoD Chief Technology Officer. "This Strategy helps us make carefully crafted decisions that bolster our comparative advantages rather than engaging in wasteful technology races. We will emphasize developing asymmetric capabilities that will help ensure our national security over the long term."

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Focus on the Joint Mission by investing in information systems and establishing processes for rigorous, threat informed analysis that will better enable the Department to make informed choices in its science and technology investments.


Create and field capabilities at speed and scale by fostering a more vibrant defense innovation ecosystem, accelerating the transition of new technology into the field, and communicating effectively inside and outside the Department.

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manufacturing, robot arm, blue, technology


Ensure the foundations for research and development by continuing and expanding upon our efforts to recruit, retain, and cultivate talent; revitalizing our physical infrastructure; upgrading our digital infrastructure; and nurturing stronger collaboration across all stakeholders.

Critical Technology Areas

The NDSTS will continue to emphasize the fourteen Critical Technology Areas detailed in the DoD CTO's Strategic Vision. Also, international allies and industry partners are integral to the Department's research and development efforts, and the Strategy seeks to expand opportunities to co-research and co-develop with them. The Department will continue to leverage the broad innovation ecosystem across academia, Federally-funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), university affiliated research centers (UARCs), DoD laboratories, national laboratories, non-profit entities, commercial industry, and other Government departments and agencies.  The unclassified version of the Strategy can be accessed at the link below.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030