Second Quarter Laboratory Scientist, STEM Advocate, and Technology Transfer Advocate Awards
Second Quarter Laboratory Scientist, STEM Advocate, and Technology Transfer Advocate Awards
The Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology (DDRE(R&T)) in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) is pleased to announce the second quarter Fiscal Year 2021 winners of the following awards:

Department of Defense (DoD) Laboratory Scientist of the Quarter
Dr. Kevin Masser, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Army Research Laboratory
Dr. Masser, an expert in the field of polymer networks, is recognized for his work on advancements in transparent armor materials, which has helped to solve a key source of transparent armor delamination, and his innovation of novel vehicle hatch-protection solutions. Dr. Masser also designed and implemented a custom gas gun that fires inert rounds. The custom gas gun is coupled with high-speed cameras and flash X-rays to characterize the critical threat/armor interaction phase. Dr. Masser's technical leadership continues to advance the mission of the U.S. Army and increase the reach and impact of DoD research and development programs.

DoD Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Advocate of the Quarter
Mr. Wayne Jordheim, Naval Sea Systems Command Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division, Keyport
Mr. Jordheim is recognized for his leadership in fostering STEM education and outreach for NUWC Division, Keyport, and Kitsap County, Washington. He has acted as a sponsor for Olympic College senior design projects at local community colleges, served as a FIRST Robotics mentor, and provided NUWC Keyport-area students with unparalleled opportunities to gain real-world technical skills while increasing awareness about workforce opportunities at NUWC. His positions on local educational advisory committees are ensuring that students in northwest Washington are prepared for the jobs of the future. Community colleges are an integral piece of the STEM pipeline, and his efforts to help establish Olympic College go far beyond his scope of work in the laboratory. Mr. Jordheim exemplifies the impact DoD scientists and engineers can have on the next generation of STEM talent.

DoD Technology Transfer Advocate of the Quarter
Mr. Matthew Jones, U.S. Army DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center
Mr. Jones is recognized for successfully establishing cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs) with partners ranging from a Fortune 500 company to small businesses, including minority- and veteran-owned businesses. Through these agreements, Warfighters and the public now have access to improved personal protective equipment, improved detection capabilities, and more effective decontamination technologies for equipment and spaces. Such improvements provide the U.S. Government and its partners with better means to combat the deleterious health and socioeconomic effects of COVID-19. Mr. Jones' trailblazing efforts in executing these CRADAs will strengthen the Department's ability to access and build upon the research and development expertise of its partners.
"I am impressed with the caliber of award nominations that OUSD(R&E) received, and I am especially proud of our outstanding awardees Dr. Masser, Mr. Jordheim, and Mr. Jones," said Dr. Robert Irie, the acting DDRE(R&T). "We are thrilled to recognize their excellent contributions to the Department and the Nation, which amplify the DoD science and technology innovation enterprise and help build the next generation of STEM leaders."
Each of the winners will have an opportunity to present his work at an upcoming DoD Innovators' Spotlight Series virtual webinar. These webinars are open to the public. To learn more about the DoD Innovators' Spotlight Series and to register, visit
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030
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