Online Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge Version 3.0 for Engineering Workforce
NEWS RELEASE: January 18, 2023
The DoD announced the release of the Online Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge (CRWS-BoK) Version 3.0. This free resource provides publicly available information to assist the public and private sector workforce in designing, engineering, and safeguarding CRWS. The Systems Security (SysSec) Directorate in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) first launched this vital resource in May 2021 for the systems security engineering (SSE) and science and technology (S&T) communities.
"The Online CRWS-BoK Version 3.0 leverages user feedback, developer updates, and a recent Section 508 review to provide an improved user experience, with the ultimate goal of helping the SSE and S&T workforce conduct its CRWS work more efficiently, effectively, and satisfactorily," said Ms. Melinda Reed, SysSec Director. "I would especially like to thank our Online CRWS-BoK Review Board, whose expert feedback shapes these version updates and ensures that the Online CRWS-BoK continues to meet the needs of our SSE and S&T professionals across the DoD, interagency, industry, and academia."
Version 3.0 highlights include:
Updated colors and icons to meet Section 508 compliance and ensure an accessible Online CRWS-BoK experience for all users
Improved registration, login, and sign-out processes to enhance users' account access and security
Upgrades to the "saved search" function to assist users in finding and saving relevant content for continued reference
Easier and faster search function for video content, and improved video viewing quality.
The Online CRWS-BoK Review Board, composed of volunteer SSE and S&T experts from the Federal Government and industry, reviews community-nominated resources for inclusion in the Online CRWS-BoK repository. To date, the Review Board has reviewed and accepted more than 40 quality additions to the Online CRWS-BoK. The Review Board's work ensures that the Online CRWS-BoK remains a credible, focused, and helpful resource for the SSE and S&T community.
R&E also partners with SSE and S&T professionals through the SysSec Directorate to foster assured resilient missions, systems, and components. SysSec leverages best practices and fosters innovation that enables the nation's SSE and S&T workforce to engineer cyber resilient weapon systems that can successfully operate in the face of persistent cyber threats.
For additional information and to register for a free account, please visit the Online CRWS-BoK. The site is optimized for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari browsers.
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
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