DoD Releases New Instruction on Additive Manufacturing
In June 2021, the Department of Defense (DoD), through the Office of the Undersecretary for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), published a DoD Instruction (DoDI) that promotes additive manufacturing (AM) use across the DoD enterprise. DoD has identified AM as a technology that contributes to a key line of effort in the National Defense Strategy, "building a more lethal force." This DoDI supports the Department's vision for utilizing AM to enable a more agile, adaptable, and aligned defense supply base to outpace adversarial threats.
The DoDI 5000.93, "Use of Additive Manufacturing in the DoD," establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides guidance regarding the implementation and use of this cutting-edge manufacturing technology. The issuance addresses the following key topics:
- AM considerations in acquisition and contracting
- Use of risk-based approval approaches and promotion of research to enhance qualification
- DoD support to integrate AM into the supply chain
- Use of data management best practices and interoperable systems
- Securing AM data and systems
- Use and development of common standards and specifications
- Providing training and develop educational opportunities
- Driving continued collaboration across DoD
While the DoDI 5000.93 applies to DoD Components, other U.S. public and private organizations will also benefit from the guidance provided in this issuance to enhance the defense supply chain.
OUSD(R&E) is responsible for the research, development, and prototyping activities across the DoD. OUSD(R&E) fosters technological dominance across DoD, ensuring the unquestioned superiority of the American joint force. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter: @DoDCTO.
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense,
Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))
3030 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3030