DoD's Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute Hosts
Virtual Summit on Robotic Solutions for Pandemics and Beyond
DoD's Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute Hosts
Virtual Summit on Robotic Solutions for Pandemics and Beyond
Office of the Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Technology and Manufacturing Industrial Base Director to provide keynote on how manufacturing innovation supports National Security
(August 28, 2021) The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, a Department of Defense Manufacturing Innovation Institute (DoD MII), opened registration for the "ARM Exchange Technical Summit: Robotic Solutions for Pandemics & Beyond." This event is free to attend and open to the public, but registration is required.

The ARM Institute, one of nine public-private partnerships that make up the DoD MII network, is the nation's leading collaborative in robotics and workforce innovation, working at the confluence of industry, government, and academia. The ARM Institute and its member organizations accelerate robotic technologies and education solutions to strengthen the U.S. industrial base and secure U.S. manufacturing resiliency.

This virtual summit will highlight the impact, success stories, lessons learned, and outputs from nine pandemic-focused technology projects. The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) funded the projects through a Special ARM Institute Project Call. The projects are intended to mitigate the current COVID-19 pandemic and prepare the nation for future pandemics and similar crises. Throughout the event, attendees will learn more about robotic and artificial intelligence projects that address disinfection, diagnosis, and PPE assembly. Attendees will have the opportunity to view demonstrations and connect with the project teams and other attendees.
Mr. Rob Gold, Director, Technology and Manufacturing Industrial Base (TMIB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), will deliver the keynote address, discussing how manufacturing innovation is critical to United States supply chain independence.
The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute is a Manufacturing Innovation Institute (MII) funded by OSD under Agreement Number W911NF-17-3-0004. The ARM Institute leverages a unique, robust, and diverse ecosystem of consortium members and partners across industry, academia, and government to make robotics, autonomy, and artificial intelligence more accessible to U.S. manufacturers large and small, train and empower the manufacturing workforce, strengthen America's economy and global competitiveness, and elevate national security and resilience. Based in Pittsburgh, PA since 2017, the ARM Institute is leading the way to a future where people and robots work together to respond to our nation's greatest challenges and to produce the world's most desired products. For more information, visit and follow the ARM Institute on LinkedIn and Twitter. ARM is part of the Manufacturing USA® network.
DoD MIIs, administered by the OSD Manufacturing Technology Program (ManTech), seek to revitalize the U.S.'s domestic manufacturing capacity through fostering domestic public-private partnerships that enhance America's strategic competitiveness while enabling the military of tomorrow. The ability of the military to respond to an emergency depends on our Nation's ability to produce needed parts and systems, healthy and secure supply chains, and a skilled U.S. workforce. This is achieved through three primary activities hosted by the institutes:
Advancing research and development to promote American innovation while modernizing our military capabilities; growing manufacturing ecosystems to enhance the Nation's competitiveness; and furthering education and workforce development to train Americans of all ages and backgrounds for jobs of the future.
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